
use Cocur\Plum\Workflow;

$workflow = new Workflow();

Table of Contents

Conditional Converters

The addConverter() method accepts an optional second parameter of type Cocur\Plum\Filter\FilterInterface. If a filter is provided the converter is only applied to an item if the filter returns true for the given item. Otherwise the original item is returned by the converter.

$converter = new CallbackConverter(function ($item) { return strtoupper($item); });
$filter    = new CallbackFilter(function ($item) { return preg_match('/foo/', $item); });
$workflow->addConverter($converter, $filter);

// "foobar" -> "FOOBAR"
// "bazbar" -> "bazbar"

Pipeline Order

The pipeline is processed strictly in the order the filters, converters and writers are added to the workflow. You can pass the position of an pipeline element as the last parameter to the corresponding add*() method. There are two possible values:

  • Workflow::PREPEND
  • Workflow::APPEND
$workflow->addFilter($filter, Workflow::PREPEND);
$workflow->addConverter($converter, null, Workflow::PREPEND);
$workflow->addWriter($converter, null, Workflow::APPEND);


The process() method returns an instance of Cocur\Plum\Result. This object contains information and errors collected during the processing.

$result = $workflow->process($reader);
$result->getReadCount(); // -> int
$result->getWriteCount(); // -> int
$result->getItemWriteCount(); // -> int
$result->getErrorCount(); // -> int
$result->getExceptions(); // -> \Exception[]

Plum counts two different types of writes. The write counter returned by getWriteCount() is increased every time an item is written. If you have 3 items and 2 writers in your workflow the write counter will be 6. In constrast the item write counter returned by getItemWriteCount() is only increased once for every item. That is, if you have 3 items and 2 writers in your workflow, the item writer counter will return 3.

Concatenating Workflows

On of the most powerful features of Plum is the ability to concatenate workflows. The Cocur\Plum\WorkflowConcatenator implements both the Cocur\Plum\ReaderInterface and the Cocur\Plum\WriterInterface and must be added as a writer to the first workflow and as a reader to the second workflow.

use Cocur\Plum\WorkflowConcatenator;

$concatenator = new WorkflowConcatenator();

// Add concatenator as writer to first workflow and process it.

// Process the second workflow with the concatenator as reader.