
You read data using an object that implements ReaderInterface. This interface extends \IteratorAggregate interface and therefore you need to implement the getIterator() method.

Table of Contents


The ArrayReader feeds the elements of an array to the workflow. In addition to the methods required by ReaderInterface it provides a getData() methods that returns the full array.

use Cocur\Plum\Reader\ArrayReader;

$reader = new ArrayReader(['Stark', 'Lannister', 'Targaryen', ...]);
$reader->getData(); // -> ['Stark', 'Lannister', 'Targaryen', ...]


You can read directories and files using the Symfony Finder component and FinderReader.

use Cocur\Plum\Reader\FinderReader;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;

$finder = new Finder();
// Further configuration of Finder

$reader = new FinderReader($finder);


JsonReader reads a .json file. It uses Braincrafted\Json to decode the JSON file. If you use Composer, add it by calling composer require braincrafted/json:@stable.

use Cocur\Plum\Reader\JsonReader;

$reader = new JsonReader('foo.json');
$reader->getIterator(); // -> \ArrayIterator

Custom Readers

As mentioned in the introduction ReaderInterface extends IteratorAggregate and readers therefore have to implement the getIterator() method.

use Cocur\Plum\Reader\ReaderInterface;

class CollectionReader implements ReaderInterface
    private $collection = [];

    public function add($item)
        $this->collection[] = $item;

    public function getIterator()
        return new ArrayIterator($this->collection);

PHP 5.5 and Generators

If you are using PHP 5.5+ the getIterator() method can also return a generator.

public function getIterator()
    foreach ($this->collection as $item) {
        yield $item;