
Converters take an item and convert it into something else. They must implement ConverterInterface which has a single convert() method.

Table of Contents


The CallbackConverter calls a callback to convert a given item.

use Cocur\Plum\Converter\CallbackConverter;

$converter = new CallbackConverter(function ($item) { return strtoupper($item); });
$converter->convert('foo'); // -> FOO


The FileGetContentsConverter takes a SplFileInfo object or a filename and returns both the SplFileInfo object and the contents of the file.

use Cocur\Plum\Converter\FileGetContentsConverter;

$converter = new FileGetContentsConverter();
$converter->convert('foo.txt'); // -> ['file' => \SplFileInfo Object, 'content' => '...']

Custom Converters

You can add custom converters by creating a class that implements Cocur\Plum\Converter\ConverterInterface.

use Cocur\Plum\Converter\ConverterInterface;

class Rot13Converter implements ConverterInterface
    public function convert($item)
        return str_rot13($item);